While these are pretty comprehensive lists, if you continue to struggle with this error, you can submit a support ticket here.

Read More: Rocket League Error Code 67: How to Fix 'Connection To Server Timed Out' Issue If nothing seems to work Use the Best WiFi Frequency Adjust MTU Settings Enable Having several devices all trying to hog bandwidth can cause connectivity problems. Disconnect other devices from the network to improve connection performance.Restart your router to improve connection.Make sure you are not in a Restricted region.A VPN can cause you to use a server much further away. Check your region to improve connection performance and speed.Install the game on the internal storage instead of the SD Card.Last, and by no means least, is a list of possible remedies for the Nintendo Switch, starting with the most effective:

How to fix the Error Communicating with Servers Switch Thankfully, Psyonix have created a very thorough troubleshooting guide, in case you are experiencing these issues. Read More: R ocket League: How to accept license agreement on Xbox One, PS4, Switch How to fix the Error Communicating with Servers PC So what, if anything, can be done to address this, should it happen to you? These connectivity problems can be caused by a number of different issues, such as a bad internet connection, a server not working, other devices competing for bandwidth, to highlight a few. Namely, that there is a communication breakdown between the players' system, and the game servers. Generally, these are all caused by similar issues.